Recovery and moving forward

Well, the 3-week marker from my leg break has passed (as of Sunday). I have several discarded, half-written blog posts from the past few weeks in the queue and have only just found the resolve to finish one. Since I returned home to Southern Ontario my recovery has progressed in a rather stop-and-go manner. It…

Silver Star is still almost perfect

The past week of training here in Silver Star has been amazing. Other than it being absolutely frigid last weekend and a bit of a snowstorm for the races this weekend, we’ve been blessed with excellent weather. Although it was cold, it wasn’t on the same level as the deep freeze Thunder Bay went through…

The Tribulations of Trials

Well, just getting myself reacquainted with my dual skier-student life here in Thunder Bay, which has proven to be more trying than I anticipated…Last week I raced in Canmore, Alberta at the World Junior, U23, and Olympic trials. Canmore is a hostile environment. It’s at altitude, it’s dry, it’s cold, it smells like chemicals along…

Whistler Gold

It’s been a week of exciting racing out in Whistler for the 2013 Ski Nationals.  Clear, sunny skies that are perfect for giving you that surprise sunburn that is deftly drawn across your forehead along your hat/headband line and around your sunglasses. That’s one reason why I’m glad my mum is here, to make sure…

Ontario Ski and Devo Team for Dummies

This may or may not be news for you… but I’ve just recently taken up the role as Athlete Rep for Cross Country Ontario!  As of right now I’m not entirely sure what this means… other than I am now responsible for hearing out your ‘athlete issues’,  doing what I can to help find answers…

5km Interval Skate

Canadian Eastern Championships – Day 2 – Junior Girls 5km Interval Skate Start time – 11:33:30am Bib number – 311 Start intervals – 15seconds Start format – low seed to high seed Start position – 2nd last In the start area, doing some runs, stretches, jumps… try to look occupied and focused… Okay, it’s only…

Let the races begin!

Time seems to fly by once the snow hits.  Or in the case of this season, hits then runs.  Its been real hit and miss weather this year, before I went out west for the annual OST trip to Silver Star I spent a solid week on snow and it was looking like things were…