Defining talent

Week 8 –


Sometimes you need is just enough talent, just enough luck, just enough work, at just about the right time. (Canmore Nationals 2017)

Talent. How do you define it?

Talent manifests itself in an infinite number of ways. And when we talk about a “talented” person, I think what we really mean, or ought to mean, is a person with potential, with promise.

Talent doesn’t do anything. Talent is the capacity to do something.

You can have all the potential in the world, but if you don’t nurture it, then it’ll never amount to anything. And that potential was just an empty promise.

Act on your potential, foster and grow into the talent you are endowed with. We each have our unique capacities to acquire and hone skills and knowledge.

“Success is measured by how much I fulfill the talent I was born with.” – Charlie Spedding



Race prep with Ryan – 7 March 2018

Ryan did his first intensity in Canada since last summer, and final serious prep workout before Nationals last Wednesday at Hardwood Ski & Bike, along with teammates Finn Dodgson and Kieran Jones. I skied around and watched.

The plan and priority was to knock the jetlag out of his system and find race gears before heading up to Thunder Bay. Conditions were a tough mix of wet-fresh snow groomed into icy granular old tracks. Like skiing on a wet carpet, as Finn described it. Still impressive coverage on the trails though, given that almost everywhere else is down to dirt and ice.

2x8min Z3 + 4x1min Z4
Recoveries as needed.


Thanks for showing up.
Missing being at Nationals, first time not going since 2011, new chapter.

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